Can I become a member?
Eligibility for guests
We aim to be as inclusive as possible, though there are just a few minimum requirements to meet.
- If you are aged 55+ or have age-related needs, CMA is here to help you connect with others through friendship centres across Auckland to Rodney.
- Be able to move around with minimal assistance for participation in activities and be able to participate in a social environment. (Caregivers welcome to stay)
- Total Mobility Assessments to support transportation to centres .
- If you are in doubt if you are eligible, please contact our support office.
Find a CMA Centre
To find the nearest CMA centre to you and the days they operate, please see below.
Monday - 10am-12.30pm
Mairangi Bay CMAPresbyterian Church Hall, Penzance Rd Mairangi Bay.
Tuesday - 10am-12.30pm
Albany CMA
Albany Community Hub, 575 Albany Highway, Albany.
Birkenhead CMA
Birkdale Community House, 134 Birkdale Rd, Birkdale.
Wednesday - 10am-12.30pm
Red Beach CMA
OREWA COMMUNITY CHURCH, 235 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Red Beach.
Thursday - 10am-12.30pm
Belmont CMA at The Rose Centre,
School Rd, Belmont.
Glenfield CMA at the War Memorial Hall,
Hall Rd, Glenfield.
Stanmore Bay CMA at the Stanmore Bay Community Centre, Waiora Rd, Stanmore Bay.
Maintain your independence by connecting with others
As you age and situations change, the likelihood of you becoming isolated in your home will increase. In fact, according to recent studies, loneliness affects 1 in 5 older adults, so it is a common issue.
Loneliness can cause existing health conditions to worsen and can even cause new issues.
By interacting with friends or family, you gain the benefits of improvement to your mental and physical health, and in turn can maintain your independence if you wish.
CMA Friendship Centres offers safe and inviting spaces for seniors to come together, enjoy one another’s company, and keep their mind and body active.
Activities can vary, but some examples include:
- Per session $10.00 with a nominal $5.00 if you require transport.
- Annual Membership fee $25.00
Give your family member the chance to enjoy so much more
If your older family members are independent and supporting themselves, without the interaction with others this can often lead to loneliness – which can cause health complications down the line.
We understand that it’s not always possible to keep in touch with your family member due to other commitments, which is why our North Shore CMA centres exist as a hub for your family member to meet and interact with others, and have fun doing it.